[P1] bad AppleCare experience on video repair

Tom R. no spam tr5374 at csc.albany.edu
Sat Oct 4 22:50:56 PDT 2003

Thanks for your support.  So far only one poster here and
none in some newsgroups I also posted to has reported anything
like my iBooks's situation.  And the condition reported by
the one poster here sounds different, more regular and minor.
I'll wait a while for replies to trickle in, watch the effect
some more, and take it further with Apple when I catch up
on the other things I have to do.

But re the static issue, I have found a static generator
which looks like it would make a useful testing tool:
go to www.powerbooktech.com and click the "Giant Ball of Orange
Static" link.  The trouble is that at $999 it costs as much
as a new basic iBook. ;*}

On Sat, 4 Oct 2003, Mike Beede wrote:
 . . .
> If it happens at the same time each reboot it isn't static.  I
> reserve the right to change this opinion if I find that you
> wear a cat skin vest and rub amber rods on your arms when
> you're nervous or happen to work in the Nikola Tesla Museum
> or something like that.  But I'd expect static problems to
> occur when you touch the machine, not at a certain time during
> the boot.
> If Apple doesn't want to fix it, I'd keep on them like white on
> rice, especially if they took three tries to fix your earlier
> problem.  Lots of times it seems to depend on who you get on the
> phone when you call.  Maybe if you call again you'll get someone
> who's more sympathetic and/or concerned with customer service.
 . . .

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