On Monday, October 6, 2003, at 06:18 AM, Allan Hise wrote: > I did basically the same thing as you. Now my battery is completely > dead. > It will not even charge. The power adapter light turns amber for about > ten > minutes, then green and the "no battery connected" icon apppears in the > menu bar wehere remaining time would normally be. > > I have tried resetting the power manager, to no avail. This battery > will > not charge at all. I called Applecare, they told me I have to buy a new > battery. Maybe I should try again and hope the next person is nicer. > Besides, how do we know it isn't something in my iBook that prevents > the > battery from charging, nit the battery itself?? Should Applecare > provide a > new battery if I'm in the warranty period?? Sounds just like what happened with my 800MHz iBook's battery....call AppleCare again ASAP and get a supervisor(?) on the line if the tech says the same stuff again. Mine was in warranty and they sent a new battery for free, twice, neither would seat in my iBook. Finally, they had me send in my iBook so they could find one to fit it properly. Good luck! Fran