[P1] Preview Thumbnails

Paul Bernhardt pbern10 at xmission.com
Tue Oct 21 08:49:31 PDT 2003

It may be that it is opening the files in the order they were in the 
finder window. Make sure they can be alphabetized, set in that order in 
the finder window, do the group select and open in preview... I don't 
have a batch of photos to try this with, otherwise I would check it 


On Tuesday, October 21, 2003, at 09:11  AM, Charles Pearce wrote:

> I hope someone knows the answer to this. I have tried to use Preview 
> as a quick and dirty slideshow and renamed the files to begin with 
> "01", "02", "03" and so on, but it still seems to have its own quirky 
> way of ordering them.

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