[P1] Mail query

Richard McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Thu Oct 23 22:48:09 PDT 2003

Donald Hinkle wrote the following:

> I'm using Mail and like it.
> In the beginning of using it, a month or so ago, when I typed the
> little smiley ;-)
> it would always come out as a yellow face with eyes and a mouth.
> Now (unless it comes through this time) it doesn't do that any more.
> I don't think I've changed anything.
> Nothing in Preferences seems to indicate control over that factor.
> Help, plz.

ObiDon, :0)

I would guess that you have either on purpose or accidentally set up mail so
that you do not use html formatting options...in other words
mail should only use plain text (especially when it comes to lists such as
this one...) and therefore mail cannot convert your ASCII characters into
html or rich text symbols...



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