[P1] Damaged CD tray

Joost van de Griek joost at jvdg.net
Sun Oct 26 15:09:05 PST 2003

On 2003-10-26 21:10, Ken Anderson wrote:

> [...] one of the iBooks seems to have decided to spit out the CD drive tray,
> completely.  Somehow the tray came completely out and of course damage was
> done. (Unknown circumstances involved.) When checking on repair we are told it
> would be upwards of $900.  This is/was a combo drive.  Do we have any other
> options for a parts source besides Apple?

Sure. Crack open the iBook, take out the defective drive, and Google its
brand and type number. You're bound to find an online source for it.

Posting at the top because that's where the cursor happened to be  is like
shitting in your pants because that's where your asshole  happened to be.
Joost van de Griek

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