[P1] presentation

Donald Hinkle donhinkle at att.net
Wed Oct 29 06:48:55 PST 2003

	It sounds like a challenging assignment--to explain difficult subject.
	Which is fine--a challenge to me, but I would like to see what you 
did. So please send it along and thanks.

On Wednesday, October 29, 2003, at 03:01 AM, Emma Gilbride wrote:

> I have a presentation on the biopharmaceutical industry as it relates 
> to the appraisal and assessment of personal property taxes. 
> Essentially, I try to inform my fellow auditor-appraisers about the 
> industry, its technologies and how they relate to our job: auditing 
> for tax compliance. If this sounds at all helpful, I will email you 
> the PowerPoint file.
> Emma
> On Tuesday, October 28, 2003, at 08:34  AM, Donald Hinkle wrote:
>> I'm trying to help my wife, who exec directs a nonprofit landtrust, 
>> to understand how to use presentation software like PowerPoint or, 
>> better, Keynote.
>> To do so, it would help to be able to show her some good examples of 
>> creative presentations that avoid mind-numbing sameness that seems to 
>> afflict most business-oriented presentations.
>> Anyone have something to share for a Good Cause???
>> thanks,
>> -don
>> don hinkle, visual storyteller
>> --------------------------------------
>> A book is a story for the mind. A song is a story for the soul. -Eric 
>> Pio, poet
> ...

also by donald henry hinkle—
RONALD REAGAN, a short but efficient biography of the athlete, movie 
star, consummate politician, by Enslow. ISBN: 0-7660-5112-9

An Oklahoma man, Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd, was a bank robber during 
the Depression. Many Okies were losing their farms when banks 
foreclosed, so Floyd was a folk hero. He was killed in a hail of 
gunfire from lawmen. More than 20,000 people attended his funeral. Read 
OKLAHOMA, by Donald Henry Hinkle, published in July 2003 by Enslow. 
ISBN: 0-7660-5138-2

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