[P1] weird lil icon

Brian Pearce bpearce at cloud9.net
Wed Oct 29 07:01:59 PST 2003

> I ws messing around with the Fonts selection in Mail on a new message 
> the other day and somehow brought up a Character Palette, looked at 
> it, thought I discarded it...but now the damn little thing has 
> attached itself to my Menu bar in every application including Finder. 
> I don't want it, but can't find any control that gets rid of it.
> Help, please?

If it looks like an "S," it's an AppleScript menu. In the Finder, hold 
down the Command and Option keys, and you'll be able to drag it off the 
menubar, where it should disappear with a puff of smoke. (You can also 
drag to move and rearrange other icons in the menu bar that way.)

That doesn't work for individual applications, though.

BRIAN/bpearce at cloud9.net

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