[P1] more wierd icons and such

Brian Pearce bpearce at cloud9.net
Wed Oct 29 11:42:28 PST 2003

> Recently I noticed that when I press certain keys a white 
> semi-transparent symbol that represents that key comes up on my 
> screen.  It also has some sort of sound effect with it.  It's a little 
> distracting---anyone know what this is and how to stop it?

What you're seeing is the Sticky Keys function of the Universal Access 
System Preference, where certain keys are displayed onscreen 'till the 
keystroke is completed. (If you pressed "Command-O," for example, the 
image of the "Command" key would stay up on screen 'till you pressed 
the "O" and completed the sequence.)

Go to System Preferences--> Universal Access, and under the "Keyboard" 
tap either turn off Sticky Keys, or (if you need to use Sticky Keys) 
deselect the "Display pressed keys on screen" checkbox.

BRIAN/bpearce at cloud9.net

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