[P1] open Word and Excel in Appleworks?

Larry Kollar kollar at alltel.net
Wed Oct 29 19:26:10 PST 2003

> Apple claims that Appleworks can open all Word and Excel
> files from a Windows machine.
> What's your experience with that?
> Can I open and save really EVERY file correctly,
> with the formatting?

It's kind of hit-and-miss. I have some seriously ugly Word files
from work that AW6 managed to open but goobered up the
formatting. Others have mentioned OpenOffice, which actually
did a better job than Word.X at opening some of those uglies.

The latest OSX release (10.3, aka Panther), has an upgrade to
TextEdit that's supposed to handle Word files (earlier versions
can open RTF files). I'll be ordering it myself soon, but haven't
tried it myself. Yet. I've heard it has trouble with complex tables.

Larry Kollar    k  o  l  l  a  r  @  a  l  l  t  e  l  .  n  e  t
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