> Check Microcenter. If you don't live near one, go to the website. They > were selling the Educational version of Office for Mac (current > version) For $119 and did not ask for or require educational > credentials. I researched it as much as I could and could find nothing > that would prevent it being used by non academics. Since I did not > need it, I have not bought it so I can't swear about the restrictions. > However, if you have kids in school, you qualify for an academic > version so that would solve that. The *last* thing I want to do is fire up another debate on the relative merits of Microsoft and/or software licenses, but I will add that it seems many software vendors will willingly sell you a copy of the Student and Teacher Edition of Office without any proof whatsoever that you meet the licensing requirements. (Amazon has it for just under $150.) There's no mechanism for enforcement in the software package, either. BRIAN/bpearce at cloud9.net