[P1] Backing up for Panther

Brian Pearce bpearce at cloud9.net
Thu Oct 30 12:53:33 PST 2003

> That said, I purchased Panther today, and will be installing it 
> tonight.  Am
> I reasonably safe in assuming that the most important thing to backup 
> are
> the user folders in 10.2?  I'm very excited, but want to make sure 
> that my
> excitement doesn't get in the way of "doing things right".

If you really want to be sure, spend $5 on this ebook from the 
publishers of TidBITS:


It's an electronic download, and you can buy it and read it before you 
start. I've heard nothing but good stuff about it since it was released 
on Friday (at the same time the software officially went on sale).

That said: yes, most of what you'll want to be careful to back up is in 
your Users Folder. I'd also back up the System's Library folder, and 
maybe your Classic System Folder (if you use Classic often), and any 
Applications you can't quickly reinstall. But most of your personal 
files will be in your Users folders.

BRIAN/bpearce at cloud9.net

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