In a message dated 10/31/03 12:20:03 AM, somebody wrote: >Subject: Re: [P1] How to apply for lawsuit settlement? & Panther on 366 >Message-id: <97E9C214-0B49-11D8-8B99-003065B3981E at> >> I've got both items and both are registered. I haven't received any >> letter regarding this. Is it just a US thing, or will it apply in >> Canada as well? Who should I contact for details on this? >Have a look at <> for details. Apple is ....... It's quite pathetic (IMHO) to be jumping on the bandwagon for this stupid cause. While said 366mhz system runs slow with X, you gotta use your head (God gave you a brain for a reason); buy an old computer, and use the software it was designed for. Don't expect Apple to go thru a few million bucks of development cost just to make the cheap whiners among us happy. a 366 was designed around 8.5, NOT OS10+.... It's really annoying to me, one of my pet peeves, to see people try to load the latest OS on a really old computer. No, a 366 iBook is not REALLY OLD, but it IS from the last millennium, so you should think a little more practically about this.. Go to the windoze side for perspective: try loading Windoze XP on a P2-400---it'll basically turn to mud... Is that a reason to whine to the mfr?? No.. grow a pair of round things between your legs, and either quit whining, or spend the money a new Mac. A machine of 500mhz & lower is NOT a good candidate for Panther--anyone with a brain should be able to figure that out. Or maybe in layman's terms.. Mr Porsche (the original brain behind the Porsche engines & autos) also designed the VW Beetle-one of the best built auto engines in the history of the car. Would it be logical to assume that since a 1949 VW Beetle and a 2001 Beetle are the same car, that a 2001 Beetle should bolt up in a 1949 Beetle? Oh geez, let's sue VW or Porsche, because they sold a car that's not 100% totally retro-compatible.. That makes no sense whatsover... But then again, who said common sense has anything to do with this. The only reason this lawsuit passed anywhere is because it was put up in the legal mudpit of LA County's legal system--one of the most anti-business, anti-logic, and anti-reason establishments in this hemisphere (except of course for Toronto). Little wonder than over 60% of their cases which are appealed ARE overturned! Final thought, and I'll quit my rant. Please bear in mind, that if you DO register for this suit and are agreed to it, one of the stipulations is that you turn in your copy of said version of OSX, and agree IN WRITING, to never load it again on your computer. My biggest regret on this is that Apple didn't devise a way to lockout the OS for anyone who goes along with this stupidity. 'nough said....