I'm currently sitting in the office listening to my iPod - thru my iBook because I foolishly forgot to recharge the iPod. Since the tunes themselves aren't on the iBook, but on my cube at home, I need t use iTunes to control the music. As I plugged in the iPod headphone & remote into my iBook 700 audio jack, it appeard that the iBook has the same "funky" connector that the iPod does, which is what I assume passes the control signals from the clip-on remote control panel to the iPod. It would have been super way cool if the controls would ork on the iBook/iTunes as well. I'm using 10.2.8 & iTunes 4.01. Maybe this was fixed in 4.1 or Panther. (I haven't yet upgraded because it is just too risky while I'm on this business trip). I guess it's time to fire up the ol' feedback web page. Allan