Thanks for all the help. I think it was the case that the damage was done around the screen edge when the inverter was replaced. They tried to fix it today, gave it back, and it STILL wasn't working and so I asked for a replacement iBook and got one. (It was the third repair in 3 weeks on an ibook I have had only a couple of months.) This was, believe it or not, my second replacement iBook. The first one I got in December was replaced after multiple hardware repairs. So - you're not going to believe this. The replacement unit they gave me today didn't work properly and I had to go BACK to the apple store again and ask them to look at it. They had trouble too and went into their inventory and got me yet ANOTHER brand new iBook. So - now I'm home and satisfied with a new iBook on my lap and it seems to be working just fine. It is an upgrade from the 800 mhz to the 900 mhz version. Thanks again for the info - hopefully this is a good outcome. I am an optimist - not easily discouraged - and looking forward to long and happy relationship with iBook #4! <G> -pam