[P1] [OT] Hurricane Tracking

Andrew Nye andrew at nye.tc
Wed Sep 10 11:09:27 PDT 2003

On Wednesday, September 10, 2003, at 05:18  pm, Joost van de Griek 

> On 2003-09-10 18:09, Jack Rodgers wrote:
>> On Wednesday, September 10, 2003, at 09:05  AM, Kim GammelgÄrd wrote:
>>>>> Since hurricanes are problems for all computer users
>>>> Here in Kansas we're rarely bothered by them.
>>> Never seen one in Denmark either ;-)
>> Could be that kid with his finger stuck in the dike...
> That's Holland. (Not a whole lot of hurricanes here, either.)

I live in a place called Wiltshire, located in a corner of the US 
Aircraft Carrier called England. We don't have hurricanes, or clogs 
here, but we can buy Danish Blue. Life's so confusing for Americans 
isn't it:)


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