[P1] Original iBook Screen Replacement

Larry Zasitko l.zasitko at sasktel.net
Tue Apr 6 09:42:57 PDT 2004

Also look on ebay, there are always lcds c/w plastics for the 
clamshells on there. There are always parts for newer iBooks on there 

Larry Zasitko
On Monday, April 5, 2004, at 11:17  AM, B G wrote:

> That should cost around 300 or so, installed less if
> you do it yourself.
> Shop around, depending on where you are there maybe a
> local shop.
> In Northern CA I recommend DT&T
> BG
> --- Brian Pearce <bpearce at cloud9.net> wrote:
>> It's a good bet my Father-in-Law's original iBook
>> (formerly mine, and
>> one of the earliest models; I think I preordered it
>> a few days after
>> they were introduced at MacWorld) will need to have
>> the screen
>> replaced. It's difficult to get a quote on the
>> repair without having it
>> looked at, but I was wondering if anyone else had
>> been through this,
>> and could give me an idea of what this might cost.
>> (I know it's likely to be expensive to the point of
>> making a new iBook
>> worthwhile, but he'd like to avoid that.)
>> BRIAN/bpearce at cloud9.net

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