[P1] Timbuktu

May Hall tsaf at chibardun.net
Thu Apr 15 04:45:55 PDT 2004

Thank you so much, Gabriel. We will take another go at it. I am also 
thinking that the glitch may have had something to do with the upgrade 
to Virex 7.5 Beta (please don't go there!). It played havoc with Palm 
Desktop and AppleWorks and Activity Monitor, among other things!


> May,
> I am an everyday Timbuktu User in both ways with Windows and Macs (OS 
> 9 and
> X). My actual connnection is a DSL with PPPoE too, but has worked fine 
> so
> far. The way I work with them is setting up a password on the remote
> computer and that way you don't have to ask for permision and could 
> work
> better.
> The only setting you can make sure should checked is in the Timbuktu 
> Menu
> "TCP/IP Incoming acces"
> For setting up a user go to the Setup/Define Users and create a New 
> user
> with all the setting checked and defining a password.
> This User Name and Password should be known from the remote part for
> accesing.
> Is just another option for trying it. It should not be a problem for 
> making
> it work... I also have Panther and Timbuktu 7.01 with an iBook.
> Regards,
> Gabriel

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