[P1] spam mail

david davidwb at spymac.com
Thu Apr 15 17:20:13 PDT 2004

On 4/15/04 7:58 PM, "Angus Wallace" <angus.wallace at flinders.edu.au> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I've never used OE myself, but from what I've heard, it's one of the
> least secure mail clients. Isn't it OE that's primarily responsible for
> the massive virus circulation? Why use it at all - does it have any
> virtues? (if you use it only because it's free, then there are many
> other free mail clients...)
> I realise this sounds like an anti Micro$oft rant (and it is ;-), but
> isn't part of the point of using Mac that one gets away from M$?
It is the mixture of OE and ActiveX in Windows that is deadly. Since the Mac
isn't cursed with ActiveX, and a whole slew of other security flaws, OE on
the Mac is safe. And if you'd put aside the easy anti-Microsoft cant you'd
find that OE for the Mac isn't a bad program at all. In fact, it is a quite
usable email client.


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