[P1] iBook G3

david davidwb at spymac.com
Mon Apr 26 03:59:37 PDT 2004

On 4/25/04 9:08 PM, "Ron Reames" <rreames at cableone.net> wrote:

> That's right. As one who paid $250 for AppleCare, I feel cheated by
> Apple.
You should take Paul's advice seriously but also consider this: When your
keyboard drops a key, when your LCD backlight fails, when your hard drive
seizes, when your CD-drive stops spinning, and/or when your trackpad begins
stuttering, you will be glad you have AppleCare. Apple's extended warranty
covers only a single problem.
> On Apr 25, 2004, at 11:18 AM, Paul Bernhardt wrote:
>> I advise the following: If the iBook serial number is 'in the range'
>> *don't* get the Apple Care. Apple is already committed to fixing all
>> those machines 

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