[iBook] Crashes/nikon software

Don Distel don at distelphoto.com
Thu Dec 23 18:58:33 PST 2004

I tried to reply to the Allan Hise answer about my problem but  the 
list moderator said that it was too long so here goes.  Allan is 
completely correct about my situation.  I shoot mostly in the studio 
with a 15 ft firewire cable connected to the camera (D1X) and the 
digital photo bypasses the compact flash card and opens directly on the 
computer screen.  In fact the nikon capture software will let me shoot 
from the computer as well as change settings on the camera without 
getting up.  I do shoot raw files and edit them in photoshop.  I am 
using capture 4 but I am not all the way upgraded on that so I will try 
that.  I do have 3rd party ram because apple sent ram that didn't fit 
and said they could not help me?  I will try that also.    Thanks to 
everyone.  Don

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