[P1] Battery problem

Stan Marks swmarks at allvantage.com
Mon Feb 9 10:46:57 PST 2004

on 2/9/04 12:03 PM, B G at briang113 at yahoo.com wrote:

> You should take it in to be checked, that red x also
> shows up when the battery is good but the charging
> circuit is bad, if you have access to a known good
> battery put that in and see if the x is still there.
> This happened to me once and it was not the battery
> but the charging circuit in the laptop.

I didn't mention it in my original message, but the "X" on the battery icon
is black, not red. What ill does this bode, as opposed to the red "X"?

Also, as I did mention previously, the LED indicators on the bottom of the
battery do not light up at all. That would seem to me to be a pretty strong
indication of a dead battery.

Zoki said that Apple will not replace the battery as part of its warranty.
Can anyone else confirm this, before I call AppleCare?


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