[P1] Bumped Mouse and PB 10.3 froze...

Harry D. Corsover harry at corsazzi.com
Thu Feb 12 16:25:56 PST 2004

On Feb 12, 2004, at 4:49 PM, Jack Rodgers wrote:

> On Feb 12, 2004, at 11:17 AM, Harry D. Corsover wrote:
>> I've always used the space key to wake up a sleeping computer. (Never 
>> could find that "any" key ... <g>).
> I use a neutral key that should not inadvertently enter data into an 
> open window: Command, Ctrl, Option, fn.... Since I develop databases I 
> am a bit sensitive to seeing a highlighted text field go empty when 
> the screen awakens...  :)  or a graphic I had selected get replaced by 
> a space.

Interesting. Sounds like a good idea, although I don't recall ever 
seeing the space being entered into an open document. It is an easier 
target, though <g>.


Harry Corsover

     Harry Corsover, Independent Business Owner
	CyberWize: The Home Business Solution
	Amazing Travel * Health * Tax Benefits
       <harry at corsazzi.com> * 877-507-9562

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