[P1] Drive Replacement - 4200rpm vs 5400rpm

Video International videoint at jb3.so-net.ne.jp
Fri Feb 13 16:05:59 PST 2004

That's what kept me from installing the Hitachi 8MB buffer 7200RPM 7K60 
drive in my G4 iBook - heat issue concerns. I couldn't find any info on 
the web about it so I use the drive in an external Wiebetech case. 
Would love to use it as an internal drive - if you come across info 
saying it's safe, please let the us know.


> I did forget to mention, that things seemed to get a little bit hotter
> on the
> bottom, but its hard to tell only by feel.  May have to consider that
> the ibook
> might get a bit more hot, and the fan may turn on more often.

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