[P1] Need help from anyone who uses Apple's Mail App in OSX

Tom Bridgeland tmbridgeland at ybb.ne.jp
Mon Feb 16 01:51:21 PST 2004

On Monday, February 16, 2004, at 05:01  PM, iBook List wrote:

>> Here's the problem: my son (the one you all helped me with choices in
>> setting up his new office, tho we haven't finished that yet)  is 
>> having
>> problems with stuck mail sitting in the Mail outbox.

I have this happen all the time, almost every day. What I do is very 
simple and usually works, though sometimes it takes a few tries. Before 
hitting "Send",  click on "Get Mail". After all your incoming mail 
downloads, try sending your outgoing mail again. I don't use .Mac.

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