[P1] Panther 10.3.2 & Lacie Hard Drives.

Brian Pearce bpearce at cloud9.net
Fri Feb 20 19:43:39 PST 2004

> Does anyone here know if the issues with Panther erasing certain hard 
> drives, such as Lacie, have been resolved? I'm back home in Australia 
> but I'm reluctant about plugging my Lacie 400 120GB hard drive into my 
> clamshell iBook (running Panther 10.3.2) and possibly losing all of my 
> data backups. Any ideas?

I'm fairly certain those problems (which didn't effect every Firewire 
drive, but only certain models; and even then, not consistently) were 
addressed in 10.3.1. (As of late October, a firmware update was 
available from Lacie for the models that could be affected, though it 
required booting into OS 9. A Mac OS X version is probably available by 

BRIAN/bpearce at cloud9.net

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