>Not according to MacTracker. It carefully says that (of the >IceBooks) what it calls the 'dual-USB iBook' (500 Mhz), the 'iBpk >(Late 2001)' (500Mhz or 600Mhz) and the 'iBook 14" (son of Pismo)' >(600 Mhz) all have ATI Rage Mobility video chips, with 8Mb of video >RAM. The next generation - 700 Mhz and upwards - had ATI Radeon >Mobility chips, with 16Mb VRam. And it's the 500 & 600Mhz machines >about which the issues have arisen as reported on XLR8Yourmac.com. > Looking on 'About this Mac' I see that my 600mhz snow iBook has 16M of VRAM. I tried the 'patch'. Didn't hurt, didn't help. -- Ron