moving to PB

Don Hinkle donhinkle at
Tue Jan 6 21:29:56 PST 2004

I have a dual USB white iBook, running OS 10.2.6. I still have a few 
apps that run only in Classic and may never be upgraded.
I want to move to a 15" PowerBook G4. I want to make the move as 
painlessly as possible.
This is my theory, following. I'd like to know if you have made such 
transitions and, if so, exactly how it worked.
My theory is, buy the PowerBook from you.
After it arrives, I use CarbonCopyCloner to back up my iBook onto an 
external Firewire HD.
Then I wipe clean the PowerBook HD, boot from a CD, and use CCC to 
mirror the Firewire backup onto the PB.
Then I do a clean install of the latest OS that comes with the 
Result, I hope: all apps work perfectly without having to reinstall any.
Is this feasible?
Is there a simpler way?

-don hinkle
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