*** Power adapter got so hot I could've fried an egg on it if it was a bit bigger, iBook went on battery supply, found a third party adapter even smaller than Apples just to find out the battery doesn't charge anymore. Its icon changes when going from power supply to battery and back but shows "Calculating..." whenever the power supply is connected. Resetting the iBook and the battery didn't help. Ofcourse, this happens 6 days on the wrong side of the guarantee and is going to be the second battery in 1 year and 6 days. I'm confident it's the battery that's gone because the power manager works (iBook is going to sleep and stuff) and the system recognizes when the PS is connected. Did I hear somebody ask why I didn't take Apple Care!? Another result of this country being a buttfuck nowhere concerning hitech stuff: I waited until two months before the expire date to buy Apple Care and couldn't find any on stock. I was supposed to receive it in December. Only thing I got was a mail they wouldn't have it on stock before February. It was too late to order at Apple. Initially I didn't order at Apple Store France because it was $80 more expensive than in the shop. France is a nice country but it's a hell for doing business! Now I'm thinking about exchanging my G3 iBook for a G4 12" model by adding $500. It sounds interesting. Anyway, back to everyday life... Zoran.