[P1] Mail weird, p. 2

Alexandre Leroux alexandre at leroux.net
Sat Jan 17 07:54:38 PST 2004

Hi Don,

Dunno if this will help you, but here is two regular crashes I had with 
Mail that I got fixed.

A) Mail doesn't wanting to quit. It seemed related to the modem 
connection. Mail was looking to connect while my modem was 
disconnected. Needed to force quit Mail half of the time. Fixed by 
upgrading to Panther.

B) (this fix might be more useful) Mail was systematically crashing on 
some messages. Fixed by trashing (reinitializing) the spam settings in 
Mail preferences. Now Mail works fine.

Good luck.

Alex :-)

Le 04-01-17, à 9:14 am, Don Hinkle a écrit :
> OK, my Mail account has been freezing on me after a use or two (if I 
> leave it "on" all the time) and making me Force Quit.
> Last nite, after a note on this list about scrapping the preference 
> file (which I'm loathe to do because it's such a lot of making notes 
> and rebuilding), I decided to seek out the Library > Mail folder and 
> look at it.
> And there I found two identical files for the same e-address. Except 
> one, at 1.5MB, showed a creation date of Oct 14, 2003 and latest mod 
> at the time of my last online...and the second at 29.3MB, shows 
> creation date a week or so EARLIER and same last mod time.
> I figure having two files with same i.d. can't be right, so this 
> morning I decided to drag the smallest one out of the folder to see 
> what happens.
> More later, maybe.

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