[P1] OT - iBook DVD localizations

Kirk McElhearn kirklists at wanadoo.fr
Tue Jan 20 00:15:41 PST 2004

On 1/20/04 2:57, "Alexandre Leroux" <alexandre at leroux.net> wrote:

> My brother works in Korea while I live in Canada. He sent me DVDs. My
> new iBook G4 told me I could change the "region" setting only a very
> limited number of times. Euh... is there a legal workaround to do a
> "reset" ?

I think there may be some firmware updaters available on the net - but
they'll void your warranty, so if you do so, do it at your own risk. DVD
players in computers seem to be less easy to dezone than those used in the
living room.
        My new e-book: Take Control of Users and Accounts in Panther
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  . . . . . . .  kirk at mcelhearn.com | http://www.mcelhearn.com  . . . . . .
  . .  Kirk McElhearn | Chemin de la Lauze | 05600 Guillestre | France  . .

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