You should not need to turn it off(I am not sure you can), even though you see a sound level reading, it is not supposed to play through the speakers. If it is there is something wrong, are you using any 3rd party sound software, did this just happen after an install either new OS or other software, does it happen only in one user or all users? --- Larry Dersch <ldersch at> wrote: > Perhaps i wasn't clear enough in my original post. > That is what I > meant by being able to turn it down, but not off. > Even with the slider > in the "off" position, I'm getting a little input. > I can snap my > fingers (or type loudly) and still see a reading on > the input level > meter. > ===== Brian Personal Email briang113 at __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free web site building tool. Try it!