[P1] headphone recommendation wanted

RP McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Tue Jul 6 14:41:58 PDT 2004

On 6/7/04 10:01 pm, "Alric J. Lam" <Alric.J.Lam at Dartmouth.EDU> wrote (in

> At 97 bucks, they aren't cheap, but they aren't as
> expensive as the Bose either.


Ask yourself how often you will use the headphones and how often you replace
them (or dare I say misplace them)...

No doubt either choice is great and if you listen to a lot of things with
headphones and don't replace very often either of them will be good value
for the money.

When I sat down and thought about it, my last pair of headphones were 14
years old...If I get that long out of the Bose set they will have been dirt

And if you have an iPod and try it with one of the noise cancelling sets
then you might as well tell the wife/partner/friend to leave now...



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