[P1] MacAmp Lite X Question

Robert Newman rlnewmanitools at mac.com
Sun Jul 11 06:37:36 PDT 2004

J.C. Webber III wrote:

>F. Hill wrote:
>>The June 2004 issue of MacWorld has a terrific section called "Digital 
>>Music Superguide".  Among other suggestions and tips, it notifies 
>>readers that the audio player MacAmp Lite X has been discontinued and 
>>is now available for free, with registration codes included.  It is 
>>recommended because it can play music formats which iTunes cannot play. 
>>  The MacAmp Lite X download is still available at:  
>><find.macworld.com/0004>.  I downloaded it, along with the registration 
>>codes.    Unfortunately, when the application is opened to the "enter 
>>registration" section, the registration codes cannot be entered.  The 
>>blank lines will not activate to receive the code numbers.
>>The website for MacAmp Lite X appears to no longer exist.  
>>VersionTracker no longer even lists MacAmp Lite X.  There is no 
>>discussion on this in the MacWorld forums.  Has anyone downloaded 
>>MacAmp Lite and successfully entered the registration codes?
>>F. Hill
>Same problem here, can't enter codes.
Agreed.  I have the same problem.  Perhaps after the 21 day trial........?


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