[P1] Safari driving me crazy!!

Mary C. Youra mcyoura at ix.netcom.com
Thu Jul 15 07:52:04 PDT 2004

On Jul 15, 2004, at 2:34 AM, iBook List wrote:

> Does anyone know how to import my safari bookmarks to IE? I tried
> explorer, and it runs just fine. But try as I might, I can't find a
> "bookmarks.html" file to import into IE.

Just piggybacking on the advice you've already gotten...
As you've discovered, Safari doesn't keep bookmarks in a nice (and 
portable) html format. The Safari Bookmark Exporter 
(http://homepage.mac.com/simx/ ) that Larry referred you to  has worked 
well for me, though I was importing to Firefox 0.9 before the most 
recent SBE upgrade (I simply made it a two part process, where I had 
SBE create the html file, then launced Firefox and had it import it). 
The upgrade probably has that all worked out so it's automatic.

I do like Firefox. It's very quick, and has a Google window like 
Safari, which has become indispensable to me. As Eva mentioned, give it 
a try. It's also Mozilla based. Would someone explain the difference 
between Camino and Firefox? Or the history between the two?

IE isn't being supported, so I'm wary of using it (though I dearly love 
its Scrapbook feature, and lauch it just to warehouse pages). More 
important for me, IE has no popup blocker, unlike either Firefox or 

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