[P1] Hard Drive Partitions

Tom R. no spam tr5374 at csc.albany.edu
Sun Jul 18 10:20:43 PDT 2004

I don't do clone backups, so am not speaking from experience,
but it seems to me that what you need is a 12GB partition for
the B&W if you continue to use it, a 60 GB partition for the
new iBook, a partition the size of the new iMac HD, and a 4th
partition sized whatever is left over.  Where the "12GB" etc
sizes are whatever sizes the B&W, iBook, and iMac HD really are.

Will a cloner clone to a smaller target partition than the size
of the source volume?  I have the vague impression that CopyCatX
for example needs target_volume_size == source_volume_size.
So you end up wasting space on the target drive.  I haven't
looked at CCC since around OS 10.1.  If target volume can be
smaller than source volume, then it's just an issue of guessing
how much your source volumes will be filled, and make each
target partition big enough to hold that much data.  Only
you can guess that, I'd suppose.

(It's well known that Apple like everyone else
advertises hard drive size using gigabytes calculated falsely,
as though 1 kilobyte were 1000 bytes rather than 1024 bytes.
I don't recall offhand how Disk Utility calculates when you do
partitioning, but it can be tricky to get some desired exact
figure for partition size, you may have to try a few times
and play with order of steps specifying the different partitions.
If you're not worried about exact sizes, then I'd suppose you'd
be safe just specifying 12GB and 60GB for them.)

On Sun, 18 Jul 2004, Bob Gir. wrote:
 . . .
> > give an exact copy of the source volume, then you want separate
> > partitions for each hard drive you want to backup, each target
> > volume the same size as its source volume.
>     Yep.  This is what I want to do, so that I have a backup clone from
> which I can boot.
 . . .
>     Still not completely clear, however, on one item.
 . . .
>     Let me give you a for instance.  The boot HD on my B&W G3 is 12GB in
> size.  Of that, 4.2GBs are being used.
>     The iBook we are getting comes with a HD of 60GB.  I suspect it will
> turn out that about 4GBs are actually being used.
>     Would then, three partitions seem a wise allocation???
>     One of 20GB to back up the new iMac.
>     One of 20GB to back up the new iBook.
 . . .

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