[P1] Turn out the light

MTH nikon80x at mac.com
Thu Jun 10 23:02:15 PDT 2004

On Thursday, June 10, 2004, at 10:10  PM, Tim wrote:

> Hi guys
> I was wondering if there an easy way to turn off the pulsing sleep 
> light on the iBooks (12 inch G4 to be exact). That little baby really 
> puts out a lot of light and lights up the whole bedroom at night.
> On my FP iMac I pulled off the screen and disconnected the led lead. 
> Don't want to open up the ibook just for this though.
> Cheers
> Tim

No you can't turn it off. Some options are to either cover it, turn it 
around or if your desk has drawers you can put it in one.
Personally I like the light. I find it reassuring to look over at my 
iBook and see it breathing.

700MHz iBook G3
640MB Ram
OS 10.2.8

"Laugha while you can monkeyboy."
       Dr. Lizardo(Bukaroo Bonzai)

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