[P1] ibook closure mechanism

Larry Kollar kollar at alltel.net
Fri Jun 25 16:30:54 PDT 2004

Linda L. Rowe wrote:

> Well, the cover lock has got progressively loose.  It still clicks 
> closed, but the two front ends kind of bow up a little and there is a 
> fair amount of  "give" in the lock.  Is there some neat little tool to 
> tighten it up or must I send it back??

Some months back, I was wondering about the same thing. Then I went to 
put my iBook in the courier bag that I use to carry it around, and 
realized I was gripping it over the latch. After that, I started 
holding it by the hinge end to put it in & out of my bag; and over time 
the plastic rebounded (unbowed) a little. There's still a noticeable 
curl, but the latch latches.

The rubber band idea is kind of cool, but I think I'd prefer using a 
bag with a foam insert which would hold the iBook closed until you're 
ready to use it. I've often considered trying to make an insert for my 
courier bag, just to give it a little more cushion in case of a drop, 
but have been clearing other projects before taking on a new one. :-)

Anyway, try grabbing your iBook from the hinge end & see if that helps.

Larry Kollar    k  o  l  l  a  r  @  a  l  l  t  e  l  .  n  e  t
"The hardest part of all this is the part that requires thinking."
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