[P1] iBook hardrives

Joe Roberts joereform at mac.com
Sun Jun 27 19:24:17 PDT 2004

They are 2.5" ATA drives.  You can find them on eBay or places like 

Which brings up another interesting question:

Back in the pre-OS X days, you could only format a hard drive with 
Apple's Drive Setup if the drive had Apple ROMs.  You had to use a 
third-party application to format one not made by Apple.  Is the same 
true under OS X with Disk Utility, or will it format any standard ATA 


On Jun 27, 2004, at 9:09 PM, max miles wrote:

> Greetings,
> I'm wondering about getting a larger HD for my iBook (dual USB). Can 
> anyone tell me exactly what size the hard drives are? Who sells them? 
> I know they are ATA 100's, but that's pretty much it.

World of joereform! at http://homepage.mac.com/joereform

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