I wrote: >I've deliberately left my own wifi access point open >(albeit with DHCP turned off) which prompted Todd Doerpinghaus <doerps at sbcglobal.net> to ask: >Why would you turn off DHCP? Is is so you don't give >out your ip address? Security issues? Yeah, makes it a little tougher for just anyone to connect. I don't even know how to discover the local subnet of a LAN without a DHCP server, though I'm sure it can't be too hard. As for my machines, I'm so used to popping in manual IPs I don't even think about it (well, except for my one PC (win2K), what a PITA that is!) Dan K ................................. http://macdan.n3.net/ carracho://dankephoto.dhs.org:9700 hotline://dankephoto.dhs.org:9500 .................................