Friend has a 15 inch flat screen iMac from April 2002. 700MHz G4, 256MB, Mac OS 10.2.8. The combo drive will not recognize or mount any CDs. No audio CDs, no system CDs, nothing. Except for one - the Disk Warrior 3.0 CD. Put in a Jaguar disk, Panther disk, TechTool Deluxe disk, hold down C key during reboot and it boots from the hard drive. Hold down the option key during start up and insert all kinds of start-up disks and it'll spit them all back out, except for the Disk Warrior CD. That one'll show up and you can boot from it. So I ran Disk Warrior, zapped the pram, booted with Command-S and ran fsck, booted with Command OF and reset nvram. Firewired my Target Disk Mode iBook to the iMac, and booted the iMac from my iBook, and the iMac optical drive was still fubar. You can hear it start to spin, haltingly. It just doesn't spin up. System Profiler sees the optical drive just fine. Cannot boot from the Hardware test CD. The firmware is corrupted? Or what? The drive works fine, but only with one CD. How weird is that?