Networking a printer (contn'd)

Daniel Galley danielgalley at
Tue May 25 16:15:25 PDT 2004

I read the article Andrew recommended, which said to do the same thing
> Charles suggested, so I turned on Printer Sharing in both machines, but when
> I try to print from the remote machine, it keeps sending me a message that
> the connection isn't working and that I should turn on the printer, and then
> it flashes the message "Jobs Stopped" in Print Center. But the printer is on
> and the machine connected to the printer is able to print to it just fine.
> Both machines are running 10.2.8.
> Any suggestions? (By the way, the reason the printer is showing up on the
> remote machine at all may be because it used to be connected to that box, so
> it probably still has the drivers, and maybe it really isn't seeing it?)
> Brian 
On System Preferences, go to Network, TCP/IP tab, and in the Domain Research
box, type: "local." (without bracket nor changing any other setting relative
to your network set up).

Additional information: obviously each machine (the one with and the one
without the printer attached) should have the appropriate printer driver

Daniel Galley
125 Avenue Franchet d¹Esperey
81000 Albi   France
Tel: +33(0)563544193
fax: +33(0)563497532
port: +33(0)608508296
danielgalley at

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