[iBook] Tiger on a clamshell

Michael Elliott michaelelliott at mac.com
Fri Apr 15 12:04:46 PDT 2005

I suspect that the need for built-in Firewire is more to delineate the 
models that will best run Tiger; it has nothing to do with Firewire per 
se.  More likely that there are specific improvements to the 
motherboard in terms of bus speed, RAM, built-in video cards that were 
already standard by the time that built-in Firewire came down the pike.

That's why the specific mention of BUILT-IN Firewire is there; just 
because you've put an IDE firewire card in your beige G3 233 mhz 
PowerMac doesn't mean that Apple wants to support it.  That's what 
xPostFacto is for :-)


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