[iBook] iPhoto woes

charlesp at ksu.edu charlesp at ksu.edu
Tue Aug 9 19:03:41 PDT 2005

Quoting Angus Wallace <angus.wallace at flinders.edu.au>:

> Question:
> Does anyone use other (more flexible) photo management software on
> Mac? If so, how do you find it, and what are its advantages?
> (free would be nice ;-)

Here's a free one: http://www.alanlight.com/dim/Dim.htm

It's called Digital Image Mover and it's written in Java so it will run
on any platform (Mac OSX, Linux, or that other stuff).

I first heard about this on a podcast called "Tips from the Top Floor,"
a podcast devoted to digital photography that originates in Germany.
Here's his companion web site: http://www.tipsfromthetopfloor.com/

I'm thinking this internet has real potential.

Charles Pearce
charlesp at ksu.edu

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