[iBook] Finally a portable bluetooth mouse solution

Tom Legare Tom.Legare at comcast.net
Thu Feb 3 17:27:57 PST 2005

A couple months ago I had a thread or two going with the list on 
finding a "perfect" mouse for my iBook 500:
      - portable (not a full size mouse)
      - bluetooth (not RF wireless, true bluetooth)
      - two button
      - scroll wheel
      - no need for a hack or drivers to make it work, seamless with OS X

My big hope was placed in a purchase of the Targus mouse model number 
MOBT90UO, item number AMB01.  It wasn't cheap.... $80 at Best Buy.  But 
it had a USB bluetooth dongle and it is comfortable and the portable 
size I'm looking for.

However, it turned out to be a disappointment because the software was 
only Windows and on the iBook only the left and right buttons would 
work, not the scroll wheel.  USB Overdrive helped a bit, but they have 
not yet released USB Overdrive for Bluetooth mice (which is supposedly 
in the works).

Today I picked up the D-Link Bluetooth USB dongle sold at the Apple 
Stores (another $40), and now the Targus mouse works!  Even with USB 
Overdrive disabled.  Scroll wheel and all in every application tested.

I was also able to apply the Bluetooth firmware updates from Apple's 
site since the D-Link dongle is officially supported and the software 
found it.

So now I *finally* have my portable mouse bluetooth solution $120 later 
::sigh::  But some things are worth it just for the learning fun.

Hopefully someone else out there will benefit from my experience.


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