[iBook] Sheep Cabbage Wolf: an iTunes question

Jean-Paul Thuot fearsome.orange at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 01:49:34 PST 2005

Hello list,

My wife and I both have iBooks.  I have a 20gb iPod and we share an
external HD.  Here is the question:

Given that I've ripped a bunch of our CDs into mp3 and imported them
into my iTunes (I've had my iBook a year longer than my wife has had
hers), and now my wife has ripped others (my CD drive is flaking out),
how can I merge the two libraries (or three if you count the iPod) so
that we both have the same music?

I have used RsyncX for backing up our user directories onto the ext.
HD, so I'm wondering if there's a way to use that.  Or is there
another, better way?

Any help would be appreciated.


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