[iBook] iBook keys wearing off - ME TOO!

May Hall tsaf at chibardun.net
Mon Jun 20 14:14:58 PDT 2005

On Jun 20, 2005, at 3:53 PM, Samantha Cornell wrote:

> We have an Apple Store opening this weekend.  I may stop in there  
> and get their feedback/
> Anyone else?  Is this a recurring theme, or did we get a bad batch  
> of keys?

I have a G4 iBook that is a bit over a year old and my A and T and F  
keys are totally blank and a good share of the others are almost  
blank. As I recall, the T and E and F keys started to go within a  
month. I planned to call, since I have AppleCare, but I use it all  
day, every day (work and home) so I would be bereft without it for  
even a day. I have become quite the touch typist, I must say!


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