At 11:49 PM -0700 6/25/05, David Linker wrote: >Dear listers, > >I just replaced the Toshiba DVD/CDRW in my 600 MHz dual USB iBook. > >The original drive stopped working two weeks ago, in my iBook which >I have had since October 2001. I called Apple and it was going to >cost ~$300 to fix. I found that I could buy a replacement drive for >$112. It would be an exact replacement, so that I could use the same >door bezel. > >I had read some accounts of doing this on the web, but most said >that this was hard and recommended against it. I decided to try >anyway, using the accounts that I found on the web. > >I had a handicap. I had my two kids (4 and 8) watching, and >sometimes bumping the table and containers I had the screws in. Two words: Duct tape > In spite of that, I finished in 3 hours, and only had four screws >left over, and it works! That makes me feel good, I only had one screw left over after a HD change on an iBook. > >If I were to do it again, I would use a related description for the >hard drive of a 500 MHz iBook, which had templates to mark the >location of the screws for later placement. There are lots of >screws, with different sizes even for the same "function". > >It was nerve-wracking at times, but I am happy with the results. I had printed a PDF with pictures showing how to replace the HD. If (when) I do it again I'll tape each screw to it's location on the picture. I kept all the screws (59 IIRC) in order but -- Clark Martin Redwood City, CA, USA Macintosh / Internet Consulting "I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"