[iBook] upgraded rev B iBook (366 no FireWire). USB 2.0?

Terry Noyes nezbo at pacbell.net
Sun Mar 6 19:45:35 PST 2005

Though a rev B iBook with 128MB works just fine on 10.3.8 (much better 
than when on 9.2.2), I got carried away repairing my girlfriend's 
broken CD drive.

For $261 incl. CA tax and shipping, I added the following from eWiz.com:

Toshiba 40GB (MK4025GAS) 9.5mm 4200rpm Notebook Hard Drive (similar 
model to iBook's original 6GB.  ATA-6 works fine with ATA-4)
Kingston PC133 512MB 144pin 64x64 SODIMM SDRAM 1.25" (iBook is PC66, 
but PC133 works.  The 1.25" is important.)
LG GCC-4243N Slim 24x24x8x CD-RW/DVD-ROM (enabled the RW functionality 
with PatchBurn 3.0b9)

using the tear-apart instructions at  
http://www.sterpin.net/uk/clamshelluk.htm.  (the CD-RW is not an exact 
fit.  You've got to throw away the iBook's tray door and grind away 
some of the LG's tray door.)  It is quite an operation to get to hard 
drive, but you just need patience.  Get to 10.3.8 by starting with 
10.3, not 10.3.5.  You can read DVD data, but you can't play movies

Is there any unholiness that would allow me to add USB 2.0 or FireWire 
to this machine for iPod purposes?

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