[iBook] endless spinning cursor

R. Hefner rshefner_uk at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 8 18:10:34 PST 2005

Lately my iBook has been experiencing the endless spinning cursor 
problem and the only thing I can do to get it to stop is push the off 
button for a few secs and then reboot. I noticed this a few weeks ago 
when I had a disk mounted and was trying to access the info on the disk. 
Then this weekend I had the same problem when trying to access my 
external drive. It only seems to happen in these two instances. Does 
anyone know what causes this and what I should do? I was actually using 
the external drive to backup all my mp3s etc. so I can upgrade from 
Jaguar (10.2.8) to Panther. Might this upgrade fix my problem if I do a 
clean install? BTW, I have run Disk Utility on both my drives and no 
problems found.
Thanks in advance for any help,

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