[iBook] mail.app and safari.app packages missing

Allan Hise allan at hise.org
Thu May 5 23:57:29 PDT 2005

On Thu, 5 May 2005, Rudi Reitberg wrote:

> Hi,
> I just ran Onyx and cleaned out all my old files.  I did not have mail
> and safari in the Applications folder, but in a sub-folder.  Now, The
> app containers are still there, but their packages are missing.  I've
> searched the computer, but I can't find them.    The Apple site has a
> Safari 1.2 download, but there is no mail.app downlload.
> Any ideas?

Grab Pacifist from Macupdate or Versiontracker. It will allow you to pull
individual packages off of your OS X install CDs.

PS: Moving Apple's defualt applications can have some unforseen
consequences, as you have found out.... Move them at your own risk. They
might not be 'seen' by updaters as well.

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